Ferme Lessard
A nice little surprise for Léon Lessard. The fun part about this award is that it was requested without Mr. Lessard even knowing about it. One of two surprises tonight, Master Breeder applications submitted by people who believed that for their years of hard work, someone deserved to be recognized as a Master Breeder. This is the first of five farms that our registrar, Chad McKell, calculated the points for. Chad counted the points from the list of cows that was submitted and the Lessard herd had double the amount of points that was required to win the award.
Leon bought this farm from his parents in 1972. At the time, it was an Ayrshire / Holstein cross-bred herd. It was in 1976 that Leon decided to make this a purebred Ayrshire herd (good choice) by purchasing some animals and the use of proven and young sires, this herd became purebred.
The Lessard herd earns this award from top production animals that stay in the herd a long time and transmit their qualities to their offspring. Several cows got multiple points in all the eligible categories, true elite cows of the breed. We can mention Lessard Mozart Lie, Lessard Money Idole and Lessard Patrick Idalia. Lessard BBK Pasta, Ex-95 is one of the exceptional cows of our breed. Not only a top producer she was Grand Champion at the International Dairy Showcase and Expo Québec in 2002 and in 2004 . She was Reserve Grand Champion in Quebec.
Congratulations to Ferme Lessard and thank you to Nicole and Louis for applying for this award. It is an honor to present the Master Breeder award to you.