“The Ayrshire breeders’ Association is dedicated to the well-being of its members and shall provide them with leadership to ensure individual and collective growth and development in a global market”

In order to achieve its mission, the Association will:
- Bring breeders into close and friendly relations with each other in order that they may cooperate in their efforts to further the interests of the breed;Encourage and develop the breeding of purebred Ayrshire cattle in Canada;
- Establish standards of breeding and adopt means from time to time to protect and assist those engaged in the promotion and breeding of Ayrshire cattle;
- Carry out a system of registration in compliance with the Animal Pedigree Act or any regulations made thereunder;
- Keep a record of the breeding of purebred Ayrshire cattle and cattle with at least seventy-five percent purebred Ayrshire inheritance and collect, preserve and publish data relating to the same in the form of herd books from time to time;
- Actively promote the breed to expand the market for Canadian Ayrshire genetics;Publish or cause to be published any official documents or other publications devoted to the welfare of the Ayrshire breed;Work in close cooperation with industry partners to ensure enhancement of programs and the optimal development of the breed;
- Provide services in Canada’s official languages.