
Tribute to Mr. Henry Bryant

Henry Bryant


Henry (Harry) Bryant was raised at Chilliwack, BC on Rosebrook Farm, the home of Ayrshires, operated by his father, George Brant, and his family beginning in 1919 when George and wife Ruth emigrated from England.

Harry helped on the family farm and was a member of the Chilliwack 4-H Club for a number of years. In 1950, upon graduating from agriculture at the University of British Columbia, Harry bought ten Ayrshire cows from his dad for $5,000, and established Brookwyn Farm at Mission, BC, across the Fraser River from Chilliwack.

Harry and his wife Susan, and their three children, operated a family farm until retirement in 1995, when Brookwyn Farm was purchased by son Ken. Both Susan and Harry were active leaders of the local 4-H Club. Harry was a Director of the BC Artificial Insemination Center for a number of years.

The Brookwyn herd was on official milk recording continuously and classified producing several Excellent cows. They exhibited at local Ayrshire fairs and at mayor show including the Pacific National Exhibition at Vancouver and at Calgary and Edmonton in Alberta.

The Bryants took an active part in the BC Ayrshire Breeders’ Club, with Harry becoming President for two terms. Harry also was Western Director of the Ayrshire Breeders’Association of Canada for four years. Traveling in the World Ayrshire Conference meetings was a highlight for the Bryants.

The Ayrshires of Brookwyn gave us a satisfying and interesting life-style which was appreciated by all members of the family..