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George Ofield

George Ofield


The Geminaecho herd of George Ofield was established by his father Leroy in 1943 at Dundas Ontario. In 1989, after the passing of his father, George and his mother Velma moved to Embro, one of the most fertile regions of Oxford County in Ontario. They have maintained a high producing herd of 75% Ayrshires and 25% Jerseys since that time. George has won the high BCA Award in Canada for his herd size on two different occasions. The cow that has contributed largely to his Master Breeder Award is Geminaecho Meagan, a Milk Machine daughter. A purchased cow, Creek Home Red, a Marathon daughter, has also had a great influence. The Red cow, by the way, is the dam of the well known sire Creek Home Zorro. This is a great honour for George and his mother and he has done the Ayrshire breed in Oxford County proud as being one of two breeders to achieve this award in the same year. Congratulations to the Ofields from Ayrshire Canada.