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Thomas-Louis Denis

Thomas-Louis Denis


Even if this Superior Breeder has been breeding and registering Ayrshires for 48 years, the prefix “Du Lac Blanc” was established in 1985. Besides building a good Ayrshire herd, he had to do a lot of work to make the mountainous land of Saint-Ubald farmable.

The cows of the herd are of a good size with a lot of capacity, built to make milk. Last year, the 52 cows of the herd produced an average of 8 600 kg of milk with 3.9%G and 3.3%P for BCA’s of 250-234-252. The herd presently consists of 16 cows classified VG, 33 GP and 3 G.

The “Marie” cow familly is the one that has contributed the most to obtaining this title. Three of the four cows with the Du Lac Blanc prefix who classified Excellent besides being the best producers in the herd over the last three years, were from that family. Du Lac Blanc Marie Poudre, classified VG, produced 12 238 kg of milk last year and is projected at 13 436 kg for this year.

In 1998, the herd was transferred to his two sons (Hugues and Jacques). The animals now have the Denis prefix and belong to Ferme Thomas-Louis Denis et Fils ltée.

We are pleased to award the title of Superior Breeder to Mr. Thomas-Louis Denis