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Tribute to Mr. Michel Boudreault

Michel Boudreault


A dedicated man, a true friend, and a lover of life, this year’s recipient of the Ayrshire Award of Merit is a man who is respected by everyone. All heart, that’s the best way to describe him.

From the first moment that you work with this man, you can sense his enthusiasm. No matter how difficult the task, or how limited the time frame, he will succeed! If you want to follow him, don’t plan on sleeping too much.

He will help anyone, anytime, he works in his sleep. He has the ability to get people involved in breed activities. He wants our breed to be successful, and to grow, and he gives 150% to his work. He is always promoting purebred Ayrshires and encouraging breeders to improve their cattle and take pride in their Ayrshires.

This man is a true friend. You can call on him, anytime, and he will be there. He will go to many lengths to help a friend in need, and he is quite willing to accept anyone as a friend.

He loves to live, he lives to help people succeed. On many occasions, this man has sacrificed his weekends and sleep for our breed. He can work for 20 hours straight, sleep 2 or 3 hours and get up and do it again. Working with him is a pleasure because no matter what the task, he will make it fun and interesting.

Personality is what this man is all about. No one deserves this award more than him. We admire and respect him, value his friendship greatly and many people do. This year’s winner of the best friend of our Ayrshire breed, a man who was born with “Ayrshire” tattooed on his heart, the great “Blueberry”, Michel Boudreault.