Jean-Guy Lagacé
Jean-Guy Lagacé was born in Saint-Hyacinthe, on October 10, 1938. After primary school, he becomes his father’s right hand man on the farm.
Participation at agricultural fairs was always an integral part of the activities at Ferme Lagacé. Here, he poses proudly with a cow shown at Expo-Québec.
In 1970, Jean-Guy purchased the family farm consisting of 180 acres with the herd of approximately 80 head of registered Ayrshire animals. Over the years, the « Lagacé » animals won many honors at different shows, such as Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec , Toronto , Madison . Jean-Guy was the official judge of the Ayrshire classes and other breeds at many shows, such as the Spring Show, Trois-Rivières , Quebec , Toronto , etc.
He was Director, then President of the Saint Hyacinthe Ayrshire Club for many years. Afterwards, he was named Director, then President of the Quebec Ayrshire Society in 1982. The following year, he was named Director of the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association of Canada. He is on the Board of the Saint-Hyacinthe County Agricultural Society. When elected to the Presidency, he automatically became Vice-President of the Saint-Hyacinthe Regional Agricultural Society. The following year he was President of the Saint-Hyacinthe Exhibition. He was a member of the Board until 2001.
Because of his experience in breeding dairy cattle, he was approached to sit on the CIAQ’ Board of Directors and that of Boviteq from 1993 to 1999. In 1987, Ferme Lagacé & Fils was the host of the CIAQ’s guests to celebrate the 10 millionth first insemination in Quebec. Continuity is assured at Ferme Lagacé. Decisions are made together, after discussion. Talking about continuity, we are now on the 5th generation of Lagacé, specialized in breeding Ayrshire dairy cattle; Elphège, Jean-Paul, Jean-Guy, Richard, Mathieu and Rémy.
Besides being an excellent breeder devoted to the Ayrshire breed, Jean-Guy is first and foremost a father and grandfather that we adore more than anything. We are very proud of the road he has traveled and he has fully deserved these honors, on the personal as well as the social level.